Cleaning office

Comprehensive solutions for home and business



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Wybierz zakres usługi

Biuro Standard (2H) *

od 900 zł
(cena za m2: od ok. 6,00 zł netto / miesiąc)

Ukryj szczegóły pakietu Zobacz szczegóły pakietu

Przestrzeń biurowa

  • odkurzanie i mycie podłóg
  • mycie mebli biurowych z zewnątrz
  • mycie parapetów
  • mycie grzejników
  • wynoszenie śmieci i wymiana worków


  • odkurzanie i mycie podłóg
  • mycie i dezynfekcja muszli klozetowej, przycisków spłukujących, zlewów i armatury, podajników na papier, mydło
  • mycie luster
  • wynoszenie śmieci i wymiana worków


  • odkurzanie i mycie podłóg
  • mycie mebli z zewnątrz
  • mycie mikrofali z zewnątrz
  • mycie zlewu
  • mycie stołów i krzeseł
  • wynoszenie śmieci i wymiana worków
  • mycie koszy na śmieci i szafki, w której stoi kosz


  • mycie kontaktów i włączników
  • mycie drzwi
  • przecieranie elementów wystroju (obrazy, tablice itp.)

Biuro Standard Plus (3H) * *

od 1100 zł
(cena za m2: od ok. 7,33 zł netto / miesiąc)
Wszystko co w pakiecie "Biuro Standard" oraz:

Ukryj szczegóły pakietu Zobacz szczegóły pakietu

Przestrzeń biurowa

  • mycie listew przypodłogowych
  • mycie sprzetu biurowego
  • mycie biurek


  • uzupełnianie środków higieny (mydło, ręczniki papierowe, papier toaletowy, odświeżacze powietrza)


  • obsługa zmywarki / mycie naczyń
  • mycie ekspresu do kawy
  • mycie mikrofali wewnątrz
  • mycie lodówki - raz w miesiącu lub w razie potrzeby
  • uzupełnianie środków higieny


  • przecieranie powierzchni przeszklonych w biurze (usuwanie bieżących śladów palców)
  • mycie drzwi
  • usuwanie pajęczyn

Biuro Kompleks (4.5H) * * *

od 1460 zł
(cena za m2: od ok. 9,73 zł netto / miesiąc)
Wszystko co w pakiecie "Biuro Standard Plus" oraz:

Ukryj szczegóły pakietu Zobacz szczegóły pakietu

Przestrzeń biurowa

  • zakres taki sam jak w "Biuro Standard Plus"


  • mycie kafli na ścianach - raz w miesiącu


  • zbieranie naczyń z biurek
  • przeglądanie i wyrzucanie przeterminowanych produktów z lodówki
  • mycie szafek wewnątrz - raz w miesiącu


  • mycie ościeżnic drzw
  • podlewanie kwiatów
  • mycie lamp sufitowych do wysokości 2m
  • mycie kratek wentylacyjnych / klimatyzacji
  • mycie żaluzji
First name and last name
Company name
Scope of the service
*required fields
We will contact you in 1 hour

Why Moppy

Professional team

Professional team

Individual plan

Individual plan

Insurance up to 1 million PLN

Insurance up to 1 million PLN

Dedicated coordinator for regular supervision and quick contact

Dedicated coordinator for regular supervision and quick contact

Over 50 000 hours saved for our clients

Over 50 000 hours saved for our clients

Professional cleaning supplies, also eco-friendly

Professional cleaning supplies, also eco-friendly

Clients recommend us

Maintpartner logo
Maintpartner Group

"The company demonstrates full professionalism in the field of cleaning services. The cleaning staff of our facilities is competent and provides services at a very high level."

Tomasz Olszewski
R4R logo

"I am satisfied with the professional and individualized approach to the client and his needs. Easy contact, speed of action and flexibility are at a high level, confirming my belief that I have entrusted the care of cleanliness in the estate to the right hands."

Patryk Żurek
BWA logo
BWA Galerie Sztuki

"The company cleans office and exhibition space in our premises. All work is carried out conscientiously and with the utmost care, and the contact with the company's representatives is exemplary."

Magdalena Sierżęga - Dybek
Mama i Ja logo
Mama i Ja

" fulfills its obligations in a professional manner, meets the terms of the contract and our expectations. We are satisfied with the services of and we recommend them as a trustworthy contractor."

Lidia Ipohorska - Markiewicz
Wrocław – starówka z lotu ptaka o wschodzie słońca Wrocław – widok na Ostrów Tumski Wrocław – Rynek Starego Miasta

Office cleaning Wrocław - a clean workplace that supports efficiency

We must remember that regular cleaning of offices is not only a clean surface. Everything that is part of the environment has a huge impact on the productivity and efficiency of employees. Dust and dirt are not friends of productivity and fruitful work, which is why you should try so hard to keep the office clean and tidy at all times. If you enter the query "professional office cleaning in Wrocław" online, then Moppy is the answer and a bull's-eye!

Why is office cleaning so important? The cleaning company answers!

The office is a business card of every company. This is where we receive clients and have our command center from which we control all activities. Office cleaning is primarily an image issue. If our work space is clean, then it is easier for us to focus and we are more effective. In addition, we are better perceived by guests who visit our premises.

That is why it is worth investing in a professional company that is responsible for cleaning offices. Wrocław has a long list of service providers, and it is one of them Moppy – a company that approaches its task with professionalism. He will take care of comprehensive cleaning, including the organization of tools and detergents for work.

As a cleaning company, we clean not only private houses. We also offer cleaning of offices, social rooms, cleaning offices, vacuuming, washing windows, washing carpets and washing upholstered furniture. We also accept cleaning orders online - it is a simple and convenient option for our customers who value time saving.

Everyone who needs help in daily cleaning decides to take advantage of our offer. We provide cleaning services at the highest level, and thanks to our reliable approach, we have gained the trust of many individuals and companies. Moppy operates in Wrocław, and we carry out orders every day from Monday to Sunday.

Cleaning the Wrocław office - what is the most important during the service?

If we care about the image of the company, the most important aspect may simply be professionalism. That is why it is worth hiring a company that will organize comprehensive office cleaning. Wrocław offers many opportunities in terms of the availability of such services. Moppy also offers its services in the capital of Lower Silesia. If you want a lasting, not a one-time "wow" effect, it is important that such cleaning takes place regularly.

We must be aware that the cleaning company relieves us of many responsibilities. It's not just about the cleaning itself, but also the organization of detergents, thinking about the order or buying equipment. It is also worth noting that when performing cleaning services, a professional company uses specialized cleaning agents (usually not those that everyone can buy in chain stores) and equipment that makes it easier to get rid of even difficult dirt.

Are you still wondering why professional office cleaning is a better solution than engaging employees to clean up, which sometimes happens to employers? People who are distracted from work and engaged in activities that go beyond the scope of their duties will not be motivated to work effectively. This is definitely not the way to solve workplace cleaning issues! Order an office cleaning service, and the company providing such a service will relieve you and your employees of additional duties!

Moppy - we offer cleaning offices in Wrocław for a flash!

Cleaning office spaces is more than just replacing bags. You already know that it takes time and work, so don't throw this extra responsibility on your employees. They perform their tasks from Monday to Friday, so they should not take their time to dust, let alone wash windows or vacuum!

There is, of course, one more issue that needs to be addressed. Even if your employees agree to the arrangement described above, their work will not be done as thoroughly as office cleaning professionals. And Wrocław has a lot to offer! Moppy will gladly accept your order, and in cleaning she is second to none.

Cleaning office space in Wrocław - meeting the client's needs is important to Mopa

Only people who have undergone appropriate training and know literally everything about cleaning are part of the Moppy team. It is also important that the coordinator of the cleaning team takes care of the high quality of services and trouble-free service, who supervises the efficient implementation of tasks by the team.

Cleaning windows, upholstered furniture, floors, fittings - although some of these activities may seem simple to you, our team knows how to meet the expectations of the most demanding customers. Simply speaking, after our visit to the cleaned objects, the surfaces shine so that you can look at yourself in them!

What do we take into account when pricing office cleaning services?

Our experience has made us experts in comprehensive cleaning. Using our website, you can send a request for a free quote for office cleaning services.

What does the price depend on? Among other things, on the size of the cleaned area, the scope of cleaning, the choice of a single or multiple service. The customer may also select additional options, which are additionally payable.

Already the standard version of the service gives an effect that will delight the visitors of the room. Vacuuming and washing floors, wiping dust, emptying waste bins, washing countertops, washing sinks, washing mirrors, window sills - these are just some of the activities included in the standard cleaning of the office by Moppy. Wrocław has high requirements and our company is able to meet them.

Hire specialists in the fight against dirt to clean offices!

You already know that enlisting the help of professionals when cleaning your office is the best decision you can make. But why choose Moppy among all the options available in Wrocław? Firstly - office cleaning has no secrets for us! We have so many orders on our account that we will not be surprised by any dirt.

Second, our team honestly and professionally approaches the duties performed, so you can trust us when it comes to keeping office spaces clean.

Third, when performing an office cleaning service we use proven equipment and high-quality detergents. Thanks to them, the effects of our efforts are even more spectacular and long-lasting.

Why do large offices in Wrocław choose professional cleaning companies?

Cleaning offices is, contrary to appearances, a complicated and difficult process. Well and comprehensively done cleaning will provide us with time for efficient and uninterrupted work. It is also a way to minimize costs in the long term, because we pay for a comprehensive service, not for all of them separately.

In addition to saving money, saving time is also important. Our employees are not distracted, they do not have to be on duty every day before finishing work to reluctantly clean the office. Some cleaning companies have a test day in their services, during which you can check the quality of their services. After a positively assessed trial day and determining the costs and budget for cleaning, you can, for example, sign a contract for regular cooperation.

Who should you outsource office cleaning in Wrocław? Choose Moppy!

When we have a large office, many employees and we expect perfect cleanliness, the choice of a professional cleaning company is the only right decision we can make. The best way to find the right specialist team will be recommendations from trusted people or looking for opinions on the web. Satisfied customers willingly issue them to companies whose services they have used.

When choosing a company, it is also worth taking a look at its website. See if it contains a detailed and transparent price list and regulations that specify the way the company operates. In our regulations on the Moppy website you will find answers to questions, including those regarding the terms of service, payments or complaints. The transparency of the company's operation is important to us. Thanks to it, clients know what they can expect and on what terms our cooperation will be based.

If you are interested, please fill out the form on the website and send a request for a free quote.

We will contact you within 1 hour! a limited liability company (sp. z o.o. sp. k.) with registered office in Wrocław, ul.Braniborska 2/10, 53-680 Wrocław, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna in Wrocław, XII Economic Department of the National Court Register, with the KRS No of 0000636722, Statistical Identification Number (REGON): 365373178, Tax Identification Number (NIP): 8943084888, with the share capital in the amount of 2.100 PLN, which is the operator of the website, phone: +48 690 022 690, e-mail: - welcome to contact us!